Getting Unstuck When You Don't Have Time
The Quick Details
This program was created with you in mind. I don't want to waste your time with long drawn out sessions when all you have time for is a quick 15 minute break.
Yes, 60-90 minutes sessions can feel like heaven, but who always has time for that between kids, jobs, activities, (fill in the blank!)??
I put together 8 beautiful and powerful healing sessions that you can listen to at anytime, whenever you need it.
I combine the soothing and harmonizing frequencies of crystal singing bowls with the deep subconscious work of BodyTalk to create something unique for you.
And these are yours to keep and re-use whenever you need them. They don't expire after a few weeks. Because life doesn't expire. New things keep popping up and it is important to have tools handy for when they do!
Join me inside Getting Unstuck When You Don't Have Time and let the de-stressing begin!
For more information or to register, click HERE