Getting Unstuck So You Can Get On With Life
You can blame your stuck emotions on:
- Relationship issues
- fertility issues
- Poverty, scarcity, and money issues
- Career advancement and fulfillment
- Family relationships and dynamics issues
- Addictions
- Chronic pain
- Serious diseases and health conditions
- Stress
- Injuries
Your emotional well-being spills over into every area of your. If you are feeling conflict, stress, overwhelm, or difficulty in your career, relationships, money, leisure time, and physical health.
It is widely accepted that up to 80-90% off all diseases is caused from stuck emotions like anger and resentment.
The reason you are not accomplishing your goals, are your emotions.​
So let's stop ignoring our emotional health, and start moving your emotions along so you can get on with life.
Emotions on their own, aren't bad. They can provide information. But that is all they are suppose to do. We like to keep them after that information and hold onto them. After a while, we develop a build up of emotions and start seeing conflict arise in our lives and in our bodies.
Emotions are energy. They require movement. Which is exactly what I like to do!
Getting Unstuck So You Can Get On With Life is a self-guided healing program that addresses your emotional well-being at the physical, mental, and spiritual level.
Over the course of 8 weeks, you will be guided through sessions addressing our emotional well-being by melding together different energy and somatic healing practices. These practices bring movement to the emotions to dissolve and let them go, and it just so happens they are usually very relaxing.​
After you complete the 8 weeks, you will have access to them to repeat which ever ones you would like as needed.
For more information or to register, click HERE